Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beef! Its Whats For Dinner

Since we have moved to Delhi, my industrious wife has discovered the best bakeries, the best vegetable markets, the best grocery stores and the best ex-pat network.  This has made our transition and overall lives much easier and tolerable.  We now get fresh baked goods to go with our evening tea and the freshest vegetables for our cook.  We even know where to buy nacho flavored Doritos, albeit for $8 a bag.  But all this pales in comparison to her latest discovery..... (wait for it)........ BEEF!

Through her network of expatriates, my wife has found a little know (because it is illegal) Japanese store that sells "meat." To the untrained, non-meat eating eye, these vacuum packed bundles may look innocent enough, but to the western carnivore, these are culinary gold.  Yes, Beef!  The forbidden meat; the devil's delicatessen, lucifer's larder.

So tonight, came home to green peppers stuffed with ground...(wait for it).....beef in a lovely, light tomato sauce with.....who cares - it was stuffed with beef!