Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Meeting Milestone

Today, Olga and I met with the relocation team from my company. This is a major milestone in the relocation process as it clears up any questions you have about every aspect of your new life as an ex-pat. We have a top-notch group that ensures that the transition will be as painless as possible - with the understanding that there will be a tremendous amount of pain administered. The group consists of a Human Resource Manager, who coordinates the other elements of the team, the security people, and the benefits people. Missing from today's meeting were the outside help: the Tax Accountants and contracted Relocation Company. We will meet with them later in the journey.

So Olga came to work today and we sat through a few hours with the aforementioned team as they outlined our new life in New Delhi. We were told for what the company will pay and for what it will not. Each line on the offer was meticulously read and explained and all questions answers. We learned of our new ex-pat health benefits (Health Care Reform be damned!) and were told of the blanket of security that would surround us and protect us while in India. (To be honest, though, I stopped listening to the security briefing after they told me my new driver has already been through a security screening and vetted - oh yea! I have my very own driver!) All in all, we are really happy with the final package (not only because I have my very own driver .... but that helped.... a lot).

I have actually been dreading this meeting. Up to now, I know, rationally, that we are moving to India, but emotionally it has not really sunk in. Yes, we cleaned out the basement (we had 4 irons - not including the one I actually use to iron; 2 microwaves - not including the one in the kitchen - can you say pack-rat!). As well, we have gone through all the closets and streamlined the wardrobe. Both tasks of which should have done that years ago, so mentally they are not directly "Move-to-India" related. Now though, after the meeting, there is a sense of inevitability that this move is going to happen and happen fast. Decisions have to made, storage locations must be found, movers need to be arranged, etc. I believe we are passing from the acceptance and anxiety phase into the phase of anxiety and stress.


  1. I think that this is great! Good luck in New Delhi.. Do you live in a special community, or do you live among the Dell technicians.. I have spoke to quite a few people in New Delhi over the past few years... One last question...Do you get a red dot?
    I am glad to hear from you...take care

  2. Great to talk to you today - your post reminded me of something. Since we always had a driver, or took cabs or trains in Tokyo, the boys had no idea that I could drive at all! We arrived in Philly on one home leave in 2003, rented a car and Georgie loudly exclaimed, "WOW!! I didn't know you could DRIVE!!"
